What is a Buyer's Home Inspection?
A home inspection is a professional, objective, visual examination of the condition of a home. Home buyers now entering the marketplace view inspections as a way to gain valuable information about the biggest purchase of their lifetime. It helps them to determine whether there are any major defects or system inadequacies at the time of purchase.
In most cases, home inspections are performed after a sales contract, conditional upon a satisfactory home inspection, that has been accepted by the seller. The inspection can usually be arranged immediately to within a few days. Honest Home Inspections always encourages the buyer to attend the inspection, so that he/she can see first hand the workings of the home. It also represents an excellent opportunity for the prospective buyer to ask questions about the home or to discuss potential changes.Home inspections should also highlight the positive aspects of a home. In fact, many of the home inspector's observations or recommendations help to dispel home purchaser anxieties, and provide useful repair suggestions.
The home inspector's service to the purchaser is primarily one of education. The goal of the inspector is to provide the purchaser with a better understanding of the physical condition of the home in order that they can make a well-informed decision. It is also the inspector's role to keep his findings in perspective for the buyer. After the inspection is completed, a written report will be prepared for the home buyer, documenting the results of the inspection with one of the mos thourough reports in the industry.
The home inspection should not be confused with an appraisal, a municipal code inspection, an environmental audit, or a home owner's warranty.
A complete home inspection should cover all of the major systems of a house, including structure, exterior, roofing, electrical, heating, cooling, insulation, plumbing and interior. An older furnace will also get a carbon monoxide test (not everyone does this). As a minimum, an inspection should meet the Standards of Practice priovided by the state of Wisconsin.https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/code/admin_code/sps/professional_services/131/134.pdf
Our Inspections exceed what is required by the state of Wisconsin. In addition, due to our training and certification in the Wisconsin Rental Unit Energy Efficiency Program we can assist you in determining any items that should be added or upgraded for energy efficiency.
Consumers should be very careful when shopping for a home inspector. The industry on the whole is unregulated and many unqualified people offer home inspection services. Home inspection companies that offer to do repair work should be avoided.
What We Provide!
A compter generated preliminary summary page is provided on site at the end of the inspection. In addition, we post it to our website giving you access to the final report typically the same day as the inspection. Hang tags are provided for the following including model numbers and serial numbers on water heaters and furnaces:
But that's not all..........In addition we will provide you with a computer generated report in a three ring binder with photos of the house and any concerns or safety issues we may find while inspecting your potential new home! |
We will complete the report the same day/night and the report will then be posted on our website. A user name and password will be provided to you and your realtor for imediate access to the full report.